Registry Phone Numbers
Respectful Environment
The Courts Administration Service is here to help you access the justice system. A respectful environment makes that possible. We are committed to providing a safe, professional and respectful environment for our clients and our staff.
COVID-19: Recommended Preventive Measures for Resuming In-Person Court Hearings (Public Guide)
This guide is intended to maintain the safety of members of the Courts, Courts Administration Service (CAS) employees, counsel, litigants and the public in gradually resuming and adapting Courts’ operations for in person hearings, while facilitating access to justice. These recommended measures apply from the time court users enter Courts and CAS facilities until they exit. The implementation of the proposed measures will be aligned in accordance with the easing of measures in each province and territory where CAS has offices.
COVID-19: Recommended Preventive Measures for Resuming In-Person Court Operations
(TDD): Text telephone for the hearing impaired
(1-800): Toll-free Bilingual Service number
Federal Court of Appeal |
Federal Court |
Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada |
Tax Court of Canada |
Ottawa (ON) | 613-996-6795 1-800-565-0541 TDD: 613-995-4640 Fax: 613-952-7226 |
613-992-4238 1-800-663-2096 TDD: 613-995-4640 Fax: 613-952-3653 613-992-4238 (IMM) Fax: 613-947-2141 |
613-996-6795 1-800-665-3329 TDD: 613-995-4640 Fax: 613-952-7226 |
613-992-0901 1-800-927-5499 TDD: 613-943-0946 Fax: 613-957-9034 |
Regional Offices
Federal Court of Appeal |
Federal Court |
Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada |
Tax Court of Canada |
Montréal (QC) | 514-283-5200 1-800-565-0541 TDD: 514-283-3017 Fax: 514-283-6004 |
514-283-4820 1-800-663-2096 TDD: 514-283-3017 Fax: 514-283-6004 |
514-283-5200 1-800-665-3329 TDD: 514-283-3017 Fax: 514-283-6004 |
514-283-9912 1-800-927-5499 Fax: 514-496-1996 |
Québec (QC) | 418-648-4964 1-800-565-0541 TDD: 418-648-4644 Fax: 418-648-4051 |
418-648-4920 1-800-663-2096 TDD: 418-648-4644 Fax: 418-648-4051 |
418-648-4964 1-800-665-3329 TDD: 418-648-4644 Fax: 418-648-4051 |
418-648-7324 1-800-927-5499 TDD: 418-648-4644 Fax: 418-648-4051 |
Fredericton (NB) | 506-452-2036 1-800-565-0541 TDD: 506-452-3036 Fax: 506-452-3584 |
506-452-3016 1-800-663-2096 TDD: 506-452-3036 Fax: 506-452-3584 |
506-452-2036 1-800-665-3329 TDD: 506-452-3036 Fax: 506-452-3584 |
506-452-2424 1-800-927-5499 TDD: 506-452-3036 Fax: 506-452-3584 |
Halifax (NS) | 902-426-5326 1-800-565-0541 TDD: 902-426-9776 Fax: 902-426-5514 |
902-426-3282 1-800-663-2096 TDD: 902-426-9776 Fax: 902-426-5514 |
902-426-5326 1-800-665-3329 TDD: 902-426-9776 Fax: 902-426-5514 |
902-426-5372 1-800-927-5499 TDD: 902-426-9776 Fax: 902-426-5514 |
St. John’s (NL) | 709-772-5862 1-800-565-0541 Fax: 709-772-5600 |
709-772-5740 1-800-663-2096 Fax: 709-772-5600 |
709-772-5862 1-800-665-3329 Fax: 709-772-5600 |
709-772-5726 1-800-927-5499 Fax: 709-772-5600 |
Charlottetown (PE) | 1-800-565-0541
TDD: 902-426-9776 Fax: 902-426-5514 |
TDD: 902-426-9776 Fax: 902-426-5514 |
TDD: 902-426-9776 Fax: 902-426-5514 |
TDD: 902-426-9776 Fax: 902-426-5514 |
Iqaluit (NU) | 514-283-5200
1-800-565-0541 TDD: 514-283-3017 Fax: 514-283-6004 |
1-800-663-2096 TDD: 514-283-3017 Fax: 514-283-6004 |
1-800-665-3329 TDD: 514-283-3017 Fax: 514-283-6004 |
1-800-927-5499 Fax: 514-496-1996 |
Federal Court of Appeal |
Federal Court |
Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada |
Tax Court of Canada |
Toronto (ON) | 416-952-8006 1-800-565-0541 TDD: 416-954-4245 Fax: 416-973-2154 |
416-973-3356 1-800-663-2096 TDD: 416-954-4245 Fax: 416-954-5068 |
416-973-3356 416-954-9823 1-800-665-3329 TDD: 416-954-4245 Fax: 416-973-2154 |
416-973-9181 1-800-927-5499 Fax: 416-973-5944 |
Federal Court of Appeal |
Federal Court |
Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada |
Tax Court of Canada |
Vancouver (BC) | 604-666-2055 1-800-565-0541 TDD: 604-666-9228 Fax: 604-666-8181 |
604-666-3232 1-800-663-2096 TDD: 604-666-9228 Fax: 604-666-8181 |
604-666-2055 1-800-665-3329 TDD: 604-666-9228 Fax: 604-666-8181 |
604-666-7987 1-800-927-5499 Fax: 604-666-7967 |
Calgary (AB) | 403-292-5555 1-800-565-0541 TDD: 403-292-5879 Fax: 403-292-5329 |
403-292-5920 1-800-663-2096 TDD: 403-292-5879 Fax: 403-292-5329 |
403-292-5555 1-800-665-3329 TDD: 403-292-5879 Fax: 403-292-5329 |
403-292-5556 1-800-927-5499 TDD: 403-292-5879 Fax: 403-292-5329 |
Edmonton (AB) | 780-495-2502 1-800-565-0541 TDD: 780-495-2428 Fax: 780-495-4681 |
780-495-4651 1-800-663-2096 TDD: 780-495-2428 Fax: 780-495-4681 |
780-495-2502 1-800-665-3329 TDD: 780-495-2428 Fax: 780-495-4681 |
780-495-2513 1-800-927-5499 TDD: 780-495-2428 Fax: 780-495-4681 |
Winnipeg (MB) | 204-983-2232 1-800-565-0541 TDD: 204-984-4440 Fax: 204-983-7636 |
204-983-2509 1-800-663-2096 TDD: 204-984-4440 Fax: 204-983-7636 |
204-983-2232 1-800-665-3329 TDD: 204-984-4440 Fax: 204-983-7636 |
204-983-1785 1-800-927-5499 TDD: 204-984-4440 Fax: 204-983-7636 |
Regina (SK) Saskatoon (SK) Whitehorse (YT) Yellowknife (NT) |
1-800-565-0541 | 1-800-663-2096 | 1-800-665-3329 | 1-800-927-5499 |
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